Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Porgi with the Corgi

Went home from work last evening & Mina had cooked Pork Corgi. While she leaned over the stove adding last minute touches to a bottomless black vessel, I conversed with her back.
Must say not one to get turned on by Pork, I tried to remain polite and give it a whirl. It did take a lot out of me, to not call the nearby cafe and order for shawarmas. I could have easily hidden in the bathroom or under the bed, she would have never known. Ok I lie… with my BMI, hiding, as an option, was ruled out in the 10th grade.
So I decided to behave. Decided to be strong. It is a delicacy much loved in large parts of India after all.

Usually I’m the first to dig a spoon into anything almost ready, even if still simmering. But this time I decided to wait. And finally dinner was served…tadaaaaa….

The moment the dish was unveiled, I knew I’d been so wrong. I should have kept the shawarma guy on speed dial. Not only was this pork, but all along while she was saying C-O-R-G-I my mind was registering V-I-N-D-A-L-O-O.
Disappointed to not find any red gravy, which I could have had with rice (atleast!), I decided to go for it anyway (read: timid by the looks I received).

Took my first bite of pork corgi, a proud moment, and then the lid blew off my head.
The interesting dry black coating around the meat pieces was hours of cooking and grinding black pepper powder, chilli powder… ( I couldn’t wait around to hear the rest). all individually, before their amalgamation.

I was knocked for six, but eventually fielded, and I came around. We did finish the dish with the help of curd and rice. After all I’m an Indian! Our history arises from spices. So in true Indian ishtyle I stuck to the masala, with a dripping nose, oscillating between water and curd. I enjoyed the meal.

I could now understand and appreciate the deep lyrics of Busta Rhymes ‘Light your ass on fire’

1 comment:

  1. Right, so the Chocolate Fondant I plan to make next week will be just for me, then.
