Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The pigeon syndrome

Dear Diary,

Why is it that even today, sometimes, if I see a cute guy walking in my general direction, the ‘pigeon syndrome’* seems to overwhelm my personality? I look away, avoid eye contact, or start shuffling my skirt to ensure it doesn’t sit on top of ‘the’ belly. I have to remind my self that the high school dance & frizzy hair season was over 10 years ago! For those of you girls who don’t identify with the above, you belong to another planet and …YOU SHOULD HAVE JUST STAYED THERE!

* if a pigeon sees a cat coming towards it, instead of flying away it just shuts its eyes and sits tight. Believing, that if it cant the see the cat the cat cant see it either!

1 comment:

  1. brave step girl, good good, and u write well, no more piegon syndrome on that one anymore.

    keep blogging, will keep reading.
