Sunday, April 29, 2012

Come Be My Toy Friend

'Robot sex set to change rules of the mating game’ - Two new scientists are exploring the plausibility of sex for hire robots for ‘guilt and disease free pleasure.’ Disease free maybe but guilt free I disagree with. So am I to feel better because my partner starts spending more nights out for a no strings attached rendezvous with a robot? Would I feel absolutely comfortable in the skin of it? Maybe as an alternative to the vibrator or the need to be with someone who’d be non – judgmental about my ‘between the sheets’ appearance. I’d presume there’d be varied reasons for guilt with a prostitute, but just because the robot is not technically another human being does that account for not cheating? If studies out there show that sex-ting or getting emotionally involved with a third person is also considered cheating, then why wouldn’t making love to a robot be? Which makes me think does using other appliances for pleasure also fall under the same category then? I don’t know. The sale of sex dolls may prove that things are being spruced up in metro bedrooms of today, but not in mine for sure. Will I be overreacting if I took it personally, that my partner enjoys feeling up a rubber doll or does not mind the lack of physical emotions with a robot instead? Are men ok if their wife suddenly turns over to change the batteries of her vibrator? Whatever happened to physical intimacy? Whatever happened to the feeling of a touch? Yes, not everybody likes to linger in the comfort of a warm snuggle or other emotional complexities that come with the idea of ‘making love’ but whatever happened to the pleasures of response? Does the act of foreplay, meeting of the eyes, a glance lingering for too long, a smile, not release butterflies in our lives anymore? It’s sad enough that bb, skype etc has reduced emotions like distance, now if people start having sex with robots then the concept of relationships may change by 2050 for sure.

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