Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Is Will Be Was

What is, is. But was too, was once is. Will be, will soon be is. So why didn’t was remain is? And why cant is be will be? Uncertainty is the one thing man will never be able to tame.

Some of us live our lives planning for the future. But as the future arrives you realise you’re not quite the ant who saved up for a rainy day. There are quite a few leaks in the roof of life that you didn’t foresee. So now you’re left to plan again. But does it ever become rain proof?

A lot many others believe ‘living in the moment’. They take pride in not planning, living untamed. But they too are victims. They believe in uncertainty. Because they are unsure what tomorrow’s sunrise will bring, they dance tonight.

Is and was has always traumatized me. Much of my time has been spent perfecting is but it soon became was. But not the was that blossomed into is. A different kind of is altogether, which caught me unprepared. Now I’m worried about spending time on is again, will it blossom into will be or new flow charts will have to be drawn.

I’m tired, confused and just want to be.


  1. I am sure Swati is on weed........

  2. I'm confused I think..

    Either, you're getting over a relationship and unsure about stepping into one. or.. its a job change.

  3. To be able to define is easy. It’s the indefinable that becomes deniable before inexplicable
